So, I'm thinking of getting a new PDA. Probably a Dell Axim or HP iPaq, since they're probably the most common and threfore the cheapest, but maybe a Sony Clie--they look pretty nice.
UPDATE: Got one! Read more below.
Features I want:
Does such a beast exist? For ~$200 on Craigslist?
Dell Axim X50v
Update 2: OK, so I've spent a bit of time with it. A bit of a rocky start, since some things I liked most about Palm (like Search) took a while to find, but I'm liking it a lot, especially Transcription mode, which lets you enter text by writing anywhere, all over the screen. It's exceeding my expectations—I was just hoping for something cool that I could mess with for a while, like the Media Center Dell PC I bought earlier this year. Except for the fact that the web browsers suck (can't save files from the web to local storage? Moz and Opera are both unstable? wtf?!?!?) it's a pretty neat device.