iOS 9's 'News' app is not that great

Oh. My. God. This thing sucks out loud.

When setting it up, you have to choose a source from their short list to start. (CNN, The New York Times, Fox News, etc.) No way past it. Fine. I pick the NYT, figuring I'll delete it later. I add Daring Fireball. And Wired. I look at a couple things. I see no way to just look at just one source (i.e., just Wired.) I see no way to delete things from my list of sources. The tabs at the bottom (on my iPhone) are "For You", which has God knows what — I guess it's the NYT, mostly; "Favorites", which is empty; "Explore", which is like "browse", compared to the next tab, which is "Search", and then finally "Saved", which is empty because I haven't saved anything. And that's all there is.

Like I said, I see no way to look at a single content source and I see no way to delete any of the sources I've chosen. I google "how to use apple news" and the first match is a Wired article, "Apple News Is the Best New Thing About the iPad", with which I respectfully disagree. No useful links. I go to, click "iPhone", then "iOS 9", then "built-in apps", then "Learn more about News", and there's info about it but nothing on how to use it.

Oh yeah, and the way it lays out stories is worthless too. One-size-fits-all never works. (I don't like Flipboard, either.) You get a little box about 3/4" high with as much of the headline and/or some article content that fits, plus maybe an image.

So basically, it's a minimally-configurable app, and you have nearly no control over what you see. It's like watching TV while a stranger works the remote. Toss. (Well, actually, you can't delete it, so it goes into the "Junk" folder, along with Stocks, Tips, and the rest.)
